Saturday, February 22, 2020

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 18

Case Study Example nt of employees will be done purely on the basis of merit and the management skills in case of leadership positions.For the role of supervisors, the fittest candidate would be one who has the technical knowledge to guide the team as well as have good interpersonal communication skills for managing the people at work.Instead of a one-day training program, the new policy has the provisions of conducting a three day induction program that provides a detailed insight of the work and initial introduction with the existing employees. The company aims to return value to their employees who are willing to add value to the organization. The company believes in providing the best remuneration package in the industry as per the best standards (Armstrong 2006). This is done through competitive fixation of wages for the employees. Apart from the compensation packages, there are several allowances and perquisites that are offered to the employees.The company also believes in providing health benef its and taking care of the medical needs of the employees and their families. The company believes in equal and fair opportunities for both men and women at workplace. The new policy proposes that women should have equal representations as compared to men in the role of supervisors. This would also create fair and transparent communication practices in the workplace. The senior employees and the managers would engage into period communication and take feedbacks from the operational staffs in the process. This would ensure total involvement of the employees and reduce the chances of any communication gap in the process.The company disapproves the collective bargaining agreement between the employees and the union. The following suggestion for improvement could be provided to the human resource manager of FVI as the past recruitments have resulted in a failure rate of 40% amongst the number of candidates who were recruited. In the past, the supervisors were selected on the basis of their

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Why did I closed down my business Personal Statement

Why did I closed down my business - Personal Statement Example Therefore, lack of focus led to closure of the business. Second reason behind the closing down of the business is lack of trust on the individual skills which are required to run the business to greater heights. Successful entrepreneurs are goal oriented and have internal interest towards the tasks that they undertake (Nieuwenhuizen 2009, p. 9). Business has a varying results and it’s the mandate of the manager to know how to deal with the situations when they arise. Fear of failure is the reason behind the closure of the business as there was a mentality of personal failure in the future. When managing a business that a person does not own a manager is shielded from losses as they go to the stockholders rather than the management (Nieuwenhuizen, 2009, p. 17). Business needs planning and forecasting for it to prosper. An individual entrepreneur who poorly plans for his/her business is likely to be attracted to other opportunities that make him lose focus towards the main goal of achieving success in running the business (Nieuwenhuizen, 2009, p. 9). This was the case as there was poor planning for the future which made you to lose focus when an enticing opportunity